---> Feed the cut and get in line. To live and burn is tug-o-war. Lost inspiration. Panic on the rise. A severed attempt ignored.
Right now I’m tired. Long couple of days, long couple of weeks, long year. Incidentally, the best year of my life. Funny how that works. I see these lines. Millions and millions of lines. We're all bound by them. The lines people draw for us, the lines we draw between ourselves and others, lines on the road, the lines that connect us. Boundaries, restrictions, guidelines, connections, heart strings.
I don't know. Sometimes everything seems so contrived. We end up being defined and encumbered by so many labels, judgements and preconceptions. People seem to just roll with it or even give up. I think it sucks just how much someone's negative opinion can affect another's emotions, or even opinion of themselves. Wish I could change that with some people. There are times I even wish I could change some of the things I’ve said. Bit late on that front.
Certain things don't need to be said, but some do. I was having a conversation month ago which eventually lead on to discussion about the apathy of the nation. People feel helpless and thus don't talk about subjects they feel helpless about. It's a lot easier to ignore a problem. It always will be. To a point. Unfortunately that leads to a blanket over what is and isn't acceptable. The apathy bug spreads and the ignorance continues. I think there's a certain amount of common sense that has to go into someone's decision making, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. Perhaps I was just fortunate enough to be raised with values that are mostly seen to be for the benefit of the society I live in. I can't but help find it surprising, however, just how often people don't think with regard to one another.
Duty of care - Something I learned about during my brief time at law school. Karma - Something I have learned by experience. Maybe if people started living slightly deeper lives (Wow, that's conceited). Ahh... but maybe if people started actually thinking about how their actions affect others but at the same time allowing themselves the grace to forgive others who don’t... Hah, maybe I should actually follow my own advice sometime.
I do get tired of people saying they're being "realistic" to justify something shitty they’ve done. What is that? Here's a reality for you. We live in a world turned upside down. The only/most efficient way to become at the top of this capitalist food chain that we live in, is to ignore everything that makes it worth waking up everyday only to pursue that which is ultimately a series of numbers. I don’t want a perfectly balanced cheque book being the only thing I have at the end of my life. I want memories, I want revelations, I want wisdom, I want connections that actually mean something. Fuck the rat race and fuck the cycle.
So here's a final line (thought). A circle. Whether it be a circle of friends, a cycle of abuse or any other behavioural cycle. The circle seems to be the one line that people can't escape. How can ya hop of a line which doesn’t end? Is it just predetermined as soon as you start? Of course not. Pro-choice? Believe that. You always have a choice. You have a choice of whether you use protection just as much as you have a choice whether you abort the foetus down the line. I have a choice whether I take my personal frustration and being tired out on others or whether I sit here for an hour and rant on and release via intelligible thought while listening to a roaring iTunes playlist. I have the choice to make a difference. If you're brave enough to read to the end of this, maybe I've already made that difference, but then again maybe you just don’t care. That's your choice. And I don't intend on taking it away from you.
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