Thursday, September 13, 2007


--> Don't fret precious I'm here, Step away from the window and go back to sleep. Lay your head down child. I won't let the boogeymen come. Count their bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums. Pay no mind to the rabble. Pay no mind to the rabble.

And here I am. So us is this. I've been meaning to/ trying to write this post for weeks. But it always ends in distraction. I've typed that sentence countless times, now it's time to finish it. I love this blog, but at the same time I think I need to clarify it's purpose. I don't think I can make it happy-inspirational because that wouldn't be true to who I am and what I find inspirational. I'm not of the kind so as to have a 9 step program to success and I'm not the kind who thinks the world is perfect. I appreciate balance in life, and I firmly believe the only way to get the most out of life is to have your fair share of pain and suffering. Despite this I always try to be optimistic and can't stand being over cynical. That's me, take me or leave me. I'm surprised how many decide on the latter sometimes.

More to come.

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